
“Be sure of yourself!”

What does Beauty mean to you?
Beauty means admiration to me. Something that is desired and appreciated…
something peculiar and unique.

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?
If I could go back to my you her self I would say you are beautiful- be sure of yourself! And for heavens sake let your brows grow out!

Jessica D.

“Personality is the only thing that naturally improves with age.”

What does Beauty mean to you?
Not thinking about how you look in a moment. Just living that moment without regard to how you are perceived by others. That seems comfortable. And being comfortable in your skin is beauty.
If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her?
Quit worrying about your entire body/face/personality. Personality is the only thing that naturally improves with age. Cellulite, metabolism, wrinkles, freckles, and gray hair only increase with every trip around the sun. Wear sunscreen. Wear small bikinis all the time.


“Eyes are the first thing I notice on people. I really believe they are the windows to someones soul.”

What do you feel is your most Beautiful feature?
My eyes​. Eyes are the first thing I notice on people. I really believe they are the windows to peoples soul. But I’ve worn glasses since I was 8 for my horrible eyesight and never really gotten to experience my own eyes. I always felt hidden behind my glasses. ​I used to buy $20 color contacts from Fordham road in Honey hoping it would make my eyes stand out more behind my frames. As I got older and I decided to get Lasik, I realized how much I am in love them. They are big, weird shaped, and crinkle when I laugh. They change color with my moods and the seasons. Sometimes one gets smaller than the other when I try to do my “sexy smile” lol. It took 20 years to finally get to see my own soul. Oh, and my random freckles/beauty marks.

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her?
Stop worrying about what everyone else looks like. You’re beautiful, act like it.

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