
“You are as DOPE as people think you are.”

What does Beauty mean to you?

To me, beauty is more about the inside man than the outside. Of course physical features can be beautiful, but to me, it’s more important to have a beautiful soul. 

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her?

Be comfortable admitting that you don’t know some things. You learn more that way. Be comfortable accepting compliments WITHOUT downplaying them. You are as DOPE as people think you are. Be comfortable with God, He’s a guarantee all of the time. Be comfortable being feminine. YOU ARE A GIRL FOR PETE’S SAKE


“I like being natural and myself.”

What does Beauty mean to you? 

I like being natural and myself. As I write this ​I’m thinking of ​my mother​ who​ just recently looked at a ​picture I took and explained to me how much prettier I’d look with my eyebrows done and more make up but that’s not me. Personally I’m lazy but that’s another story. I also feel like clear skin is an important beauty factor. I break out a lot and it makes me feel self-conscious when I’m covered in pimples​,​ but I feel more beautiful when my skin is clear.

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her? 

Learn to manage and embrace your curls. Drink more water and avoid certain acne cleansers.​ As for life lessons, learn as much as you can and take up a minor in education while in undergrad. Also outside of embracing my curls, embrace my weird and unique self.​  


” Beauty starts within…”

What do yo feel is your most Beautiful feature?

I’ve been told my smile. I like my dimples because not everyone notices them and I have three. Does laughing count? I love to laugh! 

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?

Don’t worry about looking different than your friends. Don’t worry about being a different skin tone. Love your name. Love being different. People will adore you for who you are, and those are the ones who will matter! 


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