“I embrace and love my beautiful big nose! Lol, and I would never change it.”

What do you feel is your most Beautiful feature?
Growing up I hated my nose. I was always teased, called “big nose” and always took it personally. But now that I am older, I see that “big” noses run in the family. EVERYONE in my family is BEAUTIFUL. I embrace and love my beautiful big nose! Lol, and I would never change it. It’s what makes me, ME. And my eyes, I feel they’re also my most beautiful feature.

If you could go back and speak to your younger self, what would you say to her?
DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! It’s a never ending battle I have with myself, even now. My younger self would look in the mirror and wish for things I’d want to change about myself, to the point of tears. Whether it be my height, my nose, my acne, the way I dressed, whatever I could find, and compared to others, I felt didn’t have those “issues”. Even today I battle with similar insecurities, but now that I am older I’ve learned to see the beauty in everything about myself. I can look in the mirror today and smile, love my features, my body, my height. My younger self couldn’t do that because I was too busy comparing myself to what society felt was beautiful and what I had to look like, or how to dress. I would tell my younger self to look in the mirror and smile everyday, because someday you are going to influence and represent many petite women out there who look and dress just like you someday, and LOVE YOU.


“Don’t let people project their insecurities on you.”

What do you feel is your most Beautiful feature?
My personality, my kindness, the fact that I genuinely care about people. Physically my eyes, I guess.

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?
Don’t let people project their insecurities on you. Regardless of how fat, light/pale, short people may say you are, look at yourself through your own eyes. You are beautiful… Every inch of your super thick hair, your hips, and chest are only gonna get bigger, embrace it all.


“Beauty is...”

What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty is authenticity and fearless self-expression.

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her?
You are perfect!

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