
Beauty Is…

What do you feel is your most Beautiful feature? 

 My Skin! I grew up HATING my skin! I was always too black, or too dark. I have grown to absolutely love it! My skin isn’t perfect by any means, but the texture and shade are so rich! My skin makes me feel like royalty. Although there is ALWAYS some level of difficulty with finding my shade, I feel more special as opposed to frustrated. My skin is so complex that your scientists haven’t found the perfect combination yet! 

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her? 

 You are beautiful! You will grow to love the texture and shade of your brown skin. Being the darkest person in a room will no longer make you uncomfortable. Yes, kids are teasing you, and calling you names because you are different, but different is an amazing thing! Stop asking yourself “Why am I so ugly?” or “Why am I so black?”. Your blackness is all a part of what makes you so beautiful. Blending in with the crowd is not going to work my dear. Let your light shine, and don’t allow others to dim it. P.S. Those big bushy eyebrows that you have will be a blessing in the future! They are going to be “in” … I know! I can’t believe it either! 


Beauty Is…

What do you feel is your most Beautiful feature? 

 My smile. It’s not perfect but it fits me perfectly. It’s MY smile. I used to get made fun of it. So I put it on a list of things I’ll get “fixed” when I “made it”. But I realized that, that would have been my biggest regret. I would never be happy with myself until I “fixed” my smile. And that money will be going to Sallie Mae anyway LOL. In all seriousness I didn’t want to wait for a day or time to love this feature because its part of who I am. Not putting down cosmetic surgery and the people that choose to do it. I just want to feel happy with who I am naturally first and foremost.  

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her? 

 I’d tell her to put down the magazines. To stop comparing herself. I’d tell her everyday that she is Beautiful. I don’t think she felt that way as much as she should have.


Beauty Is…

What do you feel is your most Beautiful feature? 

 I have three that I’m quite obsessed with. My eyes I believe tell stories, hold my truth, and claim my purity and genius. My eye lashes are really long .. people always ask if they’re false. When I say “No” they usually stare at them. I guess it’s flattering, but it’s also insane to assume all people born with lavish lashes can possibly be false. Lastly, my most favorite feature is my cheek bones. They were passed down from my mother and give my face a unique balance. I LOVE THEM!

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her?

 If I could go back and talk to the younger me I’d tell her it’s perfectly normal to feel like you don’t fit it. You’re a beautiful smart, fearless girl who will blossom into a courageous leader who loves her body, her flaws, and enjoys learning. Stay focused, SAVE and pray more. YOU ARE LOVED.

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