
He makes no mistakes.

What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty to me means embracing all of me/ourselves - loving how God created me/us. He makes no mistakes :) Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Don’t let someone’s opinion of you, make you think you are not beautiful.

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?

You are beautiful! You do not need to be a lighter complexion to be beautiful. Your dark skin is amazing and God created you that way so embrace it! The teasing hurts and you think they wouldn’t make fun of you if you were lighter. Trust me, they would just find something else “wrong” with you.

Renee W.

 “Beauty is like a flower.”

What does beauty mean to you?

 Beauty is like a flower. Seeds are planted. But to grow, it must be constantly watered and nurtured. Beauty is in everything. One must feed what already lies within them, in order to have, see, feel, understand, and accept it.

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?

You are beautiful, intelligent, and strong. You won’t have all the answers Nay, it’s cool. Take your time, this journey is not to be rushed, it is to be fully experienced! And don’t go around comparing your journey to others. Everyone has their own route. Lastly, I love how expressive you are but learn to communicate without your words some time, the result is just as powerful.



“I grew confident in the fact that I’m beautiful in my own right.”

What does Beauty mean to you?

Beauty to me is Confidence. Being dark-skinned, I know what it feels like to be told that I’m not beautiful or on the flipside, being told that I’m “pretty for a dark-skinned girl.” So ​with the support of my family, I grew confident in the fact that I’m beautiful in my own right and that is all that matters.

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?

Beauty is your own. If you believe it, they will too.

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