
Beauty is love and appreciation.

What do you feel is your most beautiful feature? 

My most beautiful feature is my smile. My smile is contagious, inviting, and comforting… It keeps me sane and reminds me that no matter what I’ve been through/go through my smile will never fade. 

If You could go back to your younger self what would you say to her? 

I would tell my younger self that you will never feel or know love until you love yourself. Let no one decide who you are and remember to always smile.


“You were created as an original masterpiece.”

What does Beauty mean to you?

Beauty starts on the inside. Being kind hearted, generous, caring, and
loving. From your good manners to how you carry yourself. A natural
grace and elegance. 

If you could go back and speak to your younger self what would you say to her?

Dear My Younger Self,

Love yourself girl, no matter what anyone else thinks or says. Everyone will have their own opinion on what “Beauty” is or is supposed to be. You were created as an original masterpiece. Everyone has their own kind of Beauty. And you are beautiful beyond measures.      Always hold your head up, love yourself and always be confident. No one will ever take that away from you.

-Older self


“Beauty is imperfections.”

What does Beauty mean to you? 

Beauty has a multiple meanings to me as is doesn’t just mean a pretty face. Beauty is imperfections. Beauty is radiance from within. Beauty is grace!!

If you could go back to your younger self what would you say to her?

Really dig within yourself and find your true passion. Find something you love to do for free and get paid to do it and you’ll never “work” a day in your life. Be accepting of your downfalls and challenges for this is where you grow and learn. You will have a lot of these in life celebrate them as triumph. You never lose, you either win or you learn…REMEMBER THAT!

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